
Receipt of documents by power of attorney — in Republic of Moldova and Romania

Our company offers you services for obtaining documents by POA. You can order any documents on a completely legal basis (by proxy) with the exception of a passport and voucher, as well as a driver’s license. Our services are mainly in demand by citizens of Moldova and other countries located abroad.

You can get any document you are interested in from the state bodies of the Republic of Moldova without coming to the country.

All you need is a special power of attorney and an agreement with us. A power of attorney for citizens of the CIS must be done at any notary. You can request the text of the power of attorney if you are one of our client. Please, phone or write us to consult about it.

For those living in European countries included in the Apostille (The Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, dated October 5, 1961), it is required to issue a power of attorney with an apostille either at a notary public or without an apostille at the nearest consulate of the Republic of Moldova. You can request the text of the power of attorney from us

What documents can you get through us in Romanian (Moldovan) with a notarized translation:
Birth certificate,
Marriage certificate,
Divorce certificate,
Death certificate,
Name change notice (certificate),
Certificate of the possibility of marriage (of the absence of obstacles to marriage), of matrimonial responsibility,
Certificate that you are not married, civil status certificate
— in Chisinau and in regional registry offices

Certificate of no criminal record,
— at the Ministry of Internal Affairs

We serve residents of all cities of the Republic of Moldova. You pay for our services and the cost of the business trip and receive the ordered documents on time.

Everything is perfectly legal. Please, phone or write us to consult about it.

In the event that your documents could not be obtained due to the lack of records in the archives of the registry office or the National Archives, a special paper is issued, where it is indicated:

Certificate about absence (missing) of records